The ability to grow over time. A dynamic approach transformed into ambitious projects.
CM is a family-run company that has been able, in more than 50 years of activity, to create
a business history, bridge between dreams, sacrifices and satisfactions.
Investment and creativity have allowed us to keep up with the times, witness over years
of style and contemporary in kitchen furnishings world.
CM is naturally primed to look towards the future. In a challenging context,
our company never loses sight of its core material, stainless steel, evaluating and studying eco-technologies with the assistance of specialised technicians and professionals.
Since 2018, SUPERLUX, an OEM firm specialising in the production of hand-finished bowls, has been part of the CM Group.
Currently, CM is challenging the market by catching new opportunities and the needs of new materials.
For this purpose, CM has realized an ambitious project for the production of composite sinks.
New plant and new production systems with the most up-to-date processing and stamping systems.
It is a challenge that goes beyond the present, into the future.
Our production site covers a
total surface area
of 24.000 m².
What you build with passion remains over the time.
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